Friday, April 24, 2015

                  Styrofoam report

People think Styrofoam helps make life easier, but I have a little something to tell you before you ditch my report for good! Did you know that the 25 billion Styrofoam cups, enough to circle the earth 68 times if they were placed side-by-side, are used YEARLY? Do you crush Styrofoam? If so, I think you should know that it is 95% air, and that just increases the chance that it will break and release 57 chemicals into the air we breathe. Styrofoam is also the 5th largest creator of hazardous waste. I’m going to blow your mind with this one; Styrofoam chemicals cause CANCER. There! Now you should think twice about crushing Styrofoam, huh? Not to be mean, but I mean, come on, do you want cheaply made cups, or an eco-friendly future?

                Ooh! So now you want to know what happens when you do think about the environment, do you? Well, here’s what. For all you pet-lovers out there, not buying Styrofoam could save many animals. Plus, if you recycle it, the market for Styrofoam recycling technology will grow! People are also more likely to have healthy babies if they don’t buy it as much either. Your recycling also adds up to significantly deplete (lower) the amount of Styrofoam used each year. This is why I think you should recycle or not use Styrofoam. Here are some alternatives to Styrofoam to get you started.

                I said I would give you examples, so it’s good a time as any to tell you some of my ideas. One thing to do is to ask for less unnecessary packaging on your shipped items. You can also use reusable cups for drinks. If you break your little brother’s Styrofoam habits now, they will know later on not to do it because it is bad for the environment. Also, even better, start a petition to help with your friends. I got these ideas from what I do. Remember, this could be you someday, so keep trying!

                I am aware YOU have been trying, but I do stuff too, you know! I almost never use Styrofoam cups, which is a good thing, right? I also take heed of my parent’s words and don’t crush or demolish Styrofoam. Another thing I do is that I use glass, metal, or plastic cups when I eat. Whenever I see my twin little brothers crushing Styrofoam like they’re Godzilla attacking NYC, I tell them not to. (Usually works! Try it!) See? I've been doing it too, so you’re not alone in this eco- friendly project.

                All these things are taken from my research and everyday life. But now it’s time to turn over a new leaf with MY opinion. There’s a lot of things you can do to stop the torture of innocent Styrofoam workers through all the pain, and hardships they go through. How would you like that? I know I wouldn't! This is why I've been telling you: why use STYROFOAM? Why?